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Many state legislatures have made it illegal for local governments to adopt these measures in recent years.
Localities must be able to respond to the unique needs of workers who cannot survive on the federal or state minimum wage.
This model resolution is geared towards helping local officials and advocates push their legislature and governor to clarify local authority pertaining to key policies around housing, worker protection, and broadband access.
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Many state legislatures have made it illegal for local governments to adopt these measures in recent years.
Localities must be able to respond to the unique needs of workers who cannot survive on the federal or state minimum wage.
The second edition features a series of articles that explore how some states preempted local authority across a host of issues during the pandemic.
This new report highlights how state lawmakers in the Midwest have abused preemption to impede progress on a variety of issues that would improve the economic security and well-being of residents.
14 authors were tasked with working as advocate-researcher co-authors to produce short articles highlighting recent research findings, emerging issues, and data and research needs across seven policy fields.
This October 2018 amicus brief in the case ‘City of Austin v. Texas Association of Business’ deals with preemption of Austin’s paid sick leave policy.
This model resolution is geared towards helping local officials and advocates push their legislature and governor to clarify local authority pertaining to key policies around housing, worker protection, and broadband access.
Florida cities and counties have the authority to adopt a local worker health and safety ordinance to protect workers from exposure to COVID-19 and help curb its transmission. This model ordinance helps.
This July 2019 amicus brief in the case ‘City of Austin v. Texas Association of Business’ deals with preemption of Austin’s paid sick leave policy.
Localities can look at this New Orleans City Council resolution as a model for empowering local governments to set their own minimum wages and worker protection policies.
In this brief, we synthesize the evidence on the effectiveness of paid-sick-days laws and suggest areas in which further research could help policymakers, advocates, and the public improve local paid-sick-days laws.
Local minimum-wage laws can help ensure that workers can afford housing, food, and other basic necessities in locations where the cost of living is higher than in other parts of the country or state.
This September 2020 amicus brief in the case ‘City of San Antonio & Marilyn Washington v. Associated Builders & Contractors of South Texas’ deals with preemption of San Antonio’s paid sick leave policy.
This October 2018 amicus brief (by the Campaign to Defend Local Solutions) in the case ‘Cleveland v. Ohio’ deals with preemption of Clevaland’s local hire law.
This February 2017 amicus brief in the case ‘Pa. Rest. and Lodging Ass’n v. Pittsburgh’ deals with preemption of Pittsburgh’s paid sick leave policy.
This August 2017 amicus brief (by the Campaign to Defend Local Solutions) in the case ‘Cleveland v. Ohio’ deals with preemption of Clevaland’s local hire law.
This August 2017 amicus brief in the case ‘Florida Retail Federation v. Miami Beach’ deals with Miami Beach’s minimum wage policy.