
Summer Virtual Training Series

Over the past year and a half we have had to navigate through the landscape of a worldwide pandemic,  politicians across the country debating over life or death decisions, and attacks on vulnerable communities' ability to decide the most adequate services needed for their neighbors. Through many of these decisions it has appeared as if protection and preservation was only prioritized for selected populations groups.Through it all grassroots and advocacy organizations across the country have come together to continue to lift our voices and fight for those in the most vulnerable situations. The acknowledgment of equity, racism, and fear in this country drove many into action around addressing these equity issues. 

Local Support Solutions (LSSC) has been one of the organizations fueling  community based and grassroots advocacy organizations across the country with resources to protect the quality of life of those in our communities to support and defend the rights of our loved ones. 

The purpose of this summer series will be to provide insight on how the LSSC team works together to provide resources to the field to address preemption and upholding local democracy. During this series you will learn how each team provides resources that build the campaigns and support those who are leading these efforts. Case study  examples such as police reform,  public health, and paid sick leave will be used to illustrate how LSSC can be of assistance to the field to fight preemption and uplift local democracy. 

In one-hour sessions offered each month this summer, you will be able to have an interactive discussion and learn about how the LSSC can help to advance your work and build capacity. 



Advocacy: Coalition Formation and Advisement

September 23rd, 2021

Led by Francesca Weaks • Click to RSVP

Let’s put this all together! Over the course of this summer, you've heard from LSSC's amazing Research, Communications, and Legal Teams, and now it's time to discuss how all of those resources come together to support our coalitions in building campaigns. In this session, we will highlight how to build coalitions with state and local grassroot organizations, the different formats of coalitions, and the support that LSSC provides in both building and advancing coalition sustainability. Learn how our coalitions come together and join unified forces in developing advocacy campaigns. Dr. Francesca Weaks, LSSC's State Campaign Consultant, will be discussing:

  • How to form a co-created coalition

  • Equitable foundations of coalitions

  • Evaluating if you have the right partners at the table

  • A few formulas for building a campaign

  • Building 101: Growing from where you are

Previous Sessions

Research: The Foundational Blocks to Building a Case

June 24th, 2021

Led by Ben Winig & Kim Haddow

Research allows us to apply multiple methods to find potential solutions to a problem. With the increasing threat of preemption arising community leaders and advocates, legislators and lawyer makers, and researchers are investigating and fighting as these issues arise daily. 

During this session the research team will explain: 

  • Who comprises the research team?

  • What are the goals?

  • Who comprises the research network?

  • What type of research have we tracked, supported and/or cultivated?

  • How do we connect with and listen to the field for research needs?

  • What are examples of research that has been provided to coalitions/ communities that have advanced their work?

Legal: What can we legally do?

July 29th, 2021

Led by Marissa Roy

The increased use of preemption has created a demand for legal strategies, research, and resources, including direct technical assistance to help local governments and advocates. 

To accomplish this work, LSSC works with a coalition of legal scholars and advocates who are researching and refining legal strategies and creating resources to protect the authority and power of cities to enact inclusive, innovative, and equitable laws.

During this session the legal team will explain: 

  • What is the legal team?

  • What kind of resources can the legal team provide? Memos, litigation, white papers, resolutions?

  • How can a legal strategy complement your advocacy strategy?

  • The legal team will highlight examples of the support provided during the 2021 session, such as fact sheets, model resolution, bill analysis, and presentations to advocates. 

Put it all into action: combining research, legal and communications resources 

Led by Dan Rafter

Preemption is a dry legislative tool with dangerous consequences for our democracy.  Translating those effects on local communities and residents into everyday language is key to successful education and alliance-building efforts.  To that end, LSSC has invested in qualitative and quantitative research, developed messaging guides and other communications tools designed to help elected officials, policymakers, advocates and allies explain the concept and consequences of state interference to the public and media.

During this session the comms team will share ways they can help, including:

  • Lege session comms plans

  • Messaging guidance, broken down by issue area

  • Op-eds, editorial memos, and LTEs

  • Graphics and social media support