New Messaging Resource: Talking about Preemption to Different Audiences

We know that how advocates talk about preemption to conservatives will sound different from how they talk about it to organizers. How you describe the urgency of addressing preemption because it’s undermining BIPOC political power is a little different than going deep on the corporate influence driving preemption.

That’s why we’re excited to release a new series of message frames designed to help you talk about preemption through different lenses and to different audiences. This new tool is an addendum to Connecting the Dots: How to Message the Abuse of State Preemption, our comprehensive new message guide that we released earlier this summer following research conducted by the African American Research Collaborative.

We hope you find the audience-specific frames helpful – and we have more messaging resources coming in the months ahead. You can access our latest messaging guidance here.

Adam Polaski