The Digital Divide, Broadband Access, and the Pandemic

This guide from the Local Solutions Support Center and the Institute for Local Self-Reliance – The Digital Divide – highlights the scale of the broadband problem (before and during the pandemic) and important policies that local governments can consider in the short and long-term to increase access to broadband. It also explains why efforts to expand broadband must center racial equity in order to be effective.

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Adam Polaski
Model Local Resolution Calling For Local Authority to Adopt Housing Protections During the Covid-19 Pandemic

As the COVID-19 pandemic spreads and states reopen, local elected officials and advocates are asking what power they have to help their communities across a range of policies, including those that respond to pressing housing and homelessness needs. This model resolution is geared towards helping local officials and advocates push their legislature and governor toward housing solutions.

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Adam Polaski
Model Local Resolution Calling For Local Authority to Adopt Housing and Worker Protections and Expand Broadband Access During the COVID-19 Pandemic

As the COVID-19 pandemic spreads and states reopen, local elected officials and advocates are asking what power they have to help their communities across a range of policies, including housing and homelessness needs, worker needs, and broadband access. Local advocates and officials could save crucial time as they determine what they can do locally if their state legislature or governor asserted and clarified local authority pertaining to key policies around housing, worker protection, and broadband access. This model resolution is geared towards helping local officials and advocates push their legislature and governor to do just that.

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Adam Polaski
How Do You Know if Your Local Government Has the Legal Authority to Adopt a Policy in Response to the Coronavirus Pandemic?

As the coronavirus pandemic spreads, local elected officials and advocates are asking what they can do for their communities. This brief guide can help you determine whether your community has the authority it needs to adopt a particular policy. This guide is not intended to be legal advice; rather it aims to encourage communities, city attorneys, and advocates to examine the possibilities for creative local action.

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Adam Polaski
New Report Out Now: "Principles of Home Rule for the 21st Century"

LSSC is partnering with the National League of Cities to publish Principles of Home Rule for the 21st Century. This groundbreaking new framework lays out a vision for rebalancing state and local relations, and provides model constitutional language to encourage legal reform. But the Principles are just the beginning of a longer-term conversation necessary to ensure Americans can fully participate in local democracy, and that cities are truly equipped to advance innovative and tailor-made solutions to local problems.

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Adam Polaski
Exposing Juul: New Vaping Titan is Deploying Big Tobacco's Old Playbook

In a new white paper by Local Solutions Support Center (LSSC) and True North Research, Evan Vorpahl and Lisa Graves document how Juul has flooded statehouses with lobbyists to advance T-21 legislation – bills to raise the purchase age of tobacco to 21, but that include poison pill measures preempting local governments from further regulating tobacco products.

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Adam Polaski
LSSC provides technical support to Unleash Local New Orleans in the battle to increase the minimum wage

In the May 15th, American Prospect article, Blue City Challenge: Clawing Back Power from Red States, LSSC Director, Kim Haddow speaks about how conservatives have been using the preemption tool for several decades. Unleash Local is supporting a bill in the Louisiana State legislature, introduced by Democratic State Representative Royce Duplessis, that would overturn wage preemption once and for all. The bill would also allow cities to develop their own sick leave and vacation plans, which have also been barred by the state. The bill “doesn’t mandate anything,” Duplessis says, it “just lifts the restrictions,” though he concedes it’s “an attempt to give people an opportunity to have a living wage, just to have a fair chance.”

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Lawyer 2 Lawyer Podcast: The Confederate Statues’ Ruling

On April 25, 2019, in Charlottesville, Virginia, Circuit Judge Richard Moore ruled that the statues of prominent Confederate figures Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson are considered war memorials protected by state law. Back in 2017, Charlottesville was the site of a rally where white nationalists protested the removal of the statue of Robert E. Lee. A clash between protesters and counter-protesters turned violent, resulting in the death of Heather Heyer, which sparked a national debate over these controversial statues.

On Legal Talk Network’s Lawyer 2 Lawyer podcast, host Craig Williams is joined by Richard Schragger, professor of law at the University of Virginia School of Law, and Nestor Davidson, faculty director of the Urban Law Center at Fordham University’s School of Law, to take a look at this recent ruling, the controversy over the removal of Confederate statues and what is next in this legal fight.

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Colorado Lawmakers Pass Historic Bill Repealing Minimum Wage Preemption

The Colorado legislature has approved a bill repealing a 20-year-old state law that banned cities and counties from enacting a local minimum wage higher than the state’s minimum wage. The bill now heads to Governor Jared Polis, and his signature would make Colorado the first state in the nation to repeal this type of restrictive preemption law. The measure restores the ability of local municipalities across the state to raise minimum wages and align them with local – and often rising – costs of living.

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