This amicus brief was submitted by the International Municipal Lawyers Association and A Better Balance, in support of appellants. They make the case that local governments need to be able to use the full breadth of their police powers to protect their communities.
Amicus brief submitted to the Pennsylvania Supreme Court by fifty-one organizations committed to women’s health and safety in support of Pittsburgh. The brief explains the importance of paid sick leave to protect public health, notes that a lack of paid sick leave disproportionately harms women and people of color, and argues that Pittsburgh has the authority to enact the Paid Sick Days Act.
Amicus brief submitted to the Pennsylvania Supreme Court by A Better Balance and leading law school professor experts in local government law and/or labor law in support of Pittsburgh. The brief outlines the history and importance of home rule in Pennsylvania, argues that Pittsburgh has the authority to pass the Paid Sick Days Act, and notes that striking down the ordinance would undermine home rule in Pennsylvania, severely limiting the ability of municipalities to protect public health and safety.