Posts tagged Labor
Pennsylvania Restaurant and Lodging Assoc. v. Pittsburgh: Decision

Pennsylvania appellate court decision holding that Pittsburgh lacked the authority to enact a paid sick time ordinance because 2nd class cities—like Pittsburgh—are statutorily barred from enacting “business regulations.” The dissent argues that Pittsburgh’s paid sick time ordinance was a valid use of its police powers to enact ordinances to protect health and safety. This case is currently being appealed.

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United Food and Commercial Workers Local 99 v. Arizona: Decision

Arizona Superior Court decision holding that an Arizona law preempting local regulation of employee benefits was invalid because the Voter Protection Act prevents the state Legislature from amending or superseding voter-approved initiatives unless the state law either furthers the purposes of the initiative or is passed by a three-fourths majority in the House of Representatives and the Senate, and Arizona voters had previously approved an initiative that explicitly preserved the power of municipalities to regulate “wages and other benefits.

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ArizonaAdam PolaskiLabor
Minnesota Chamber of Commerce v. Minneapolis (District Court): Decision

Minnesota District Court decision declining to preliminarily enjoin Minneapolis’s paid sick time ordinance, except to the extent that it applies to employers outside of Minneapolis. The decision holds that Minneapolis was likely to succeed on the issue of whether the ordinance was preempted by state law but that it was unclear whether Minneapolis could enforce the ordinance against employers outside of Minneapolis. This case is currently pending at the intermediate appellate level.

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