The Local Solutions Support Center’s (LSSC) report “A Session Like No Other” explores the 2021 legislative session, during which Republican-led state legislatures unleashed a wave of preemption bills blocking, removing, or penalizing local authority – a direct response to the pandemic, the growing movement for racial justice, and the presidential election.
Read MoreIn one-hour sessions offered each month this summer, you will be able to have an interactive discussion and learn about how the LSSC can help to advance your work and build capacity.
Read MoreThis year, state lawmakers introduced a history making number of preemption laws that limit local lawmaking, weaken local democracy, and block local policies intended to advance economic and racial inequity. Here is a snapshot, a still frame of where legislative activity on some policies stand as of Monday, April 26, 2021.
Read MoreThis fact sheet from Local Solutions Support Center and Public Rights Project provides an overview of Housing Preemption in Indiana.
Read More“Conflict between state and local governments has cost lives, delayed effective responses, and created confusion that continues to undermine public health efforts.”
Read MoreThe Local Solutions Support Center has compiled short memos summarizing the nature and scope of local authority in each state. For city attorneys, advocates, and policymakers, these memos can offer a sense of what local policies might be possible in their state and a jumping off point for additional research.
Read MoreThis fact sheet summarizes this emerging threat to state and local public health authority and identifies some of the possible outcomes.
Read MoreUnder the Cover of COVID: A Survey of 2020-2021 State Preemption Trends delves into the dangerous intersection of preemption and the pandemic – specifically, how a growing use of state interference over the last decade meant that many communities were already forced to start from behind in responding to COVID-19.
Read MoreCOVID & efforts to confront racial injustice and white supremacy highlight the urgent need to center the voices of the people hurt most by preemption
Read MoreThis report investigates arguments that justify state preemption of local lawmaking on the basis that local laws produce a harmful “patchwork” of regulations within a state. We examine the use and merits of the patchwork argument across 10 policy areas.
Read MoreThere has already been significant differences between state and local governments over the imposition of mandatory shelter in place orders, the need for social distancing and the definition of “essential” and “non- essential” businesses and workers. This resource takes a look at how states and cities are responding to the pandemic.
Read MoreIn this report, 14 authors worked as advocate-researcher co-authors to produce short articles highlighting recent research findings, emerging issues, and data and research needs across seven policy fields: Public Health; Local Fiscal Authority; Labor Policy; Environmental Policy; Civil Rights and Discrimination; Housing Policy; and Emerging Technologies.
Read MoreThis model tenant protection ordinance provides essential terms that local governments should consider adopting to respond in their communities.
Read MoreAs advocates plan for the 2021 legislative sessions, it will be important to identify and counter new efforts to undermine the power and vision of black communities and allies at the local level.
Read MoreThis fact sheet provides an overview of state and local government authority to regulate and potentially require vaccination.
Read MoreAs the definition of “public health” expands, so could the ability of public health agencies and officials to address the SDOH and combat a greater variety of public ills.
Read MoreThis resource from ChangeLab Solutions and the Local Solutions Support Center (LSSC) provides advocates with the research and data they need to document the harmful consequences of preemption and advocate for repealing inequitable preemption laws.
Read MoreIn recent years the Local Solutions Support Center has partnered repeatedly with The Campaign Workshop to create message-tested digital advertising toolkits for local partners.
Read MoreA new report, Preempting Progress, examines how state interference in local policymaking prevents people of color, women, and low-income workers from making ends meet in the South.
Read MoreAs you plan for 2021 state legislative sessions, please be aware of the following anti-protest policy trends that may impact local authority and communities’ ability to exercise local democracy.
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